More than 25 stickers of Cima Da Conegliano Artworks! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- St. John the Baptist and Saints
- The Baptism of Christ
- Madonna of the Orange Tree with St. Ludovic of Toulouse and St. Jerome
- St. Helena
- St. Jerome in the Wilderness
- The Annunciation
- Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
- Madonna and Child
- Madonna and Child with saints
- Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple
- Saint Sebastian
- Madonna and Child
- St. Peter Martyr with St. Nicholas of Bari, St. Benedict and an Angel Musician
- Doubting Thomas with St. Magnus
- St. Christopher with the Infant Christ and St. Peter
- The Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne
- Virgin and Child
- David and Jonathan
- Adoration of the Shepherds
- Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene
- Madonna Enthroned with the Child
- Sacred Conversation
- St. Jerome in a Landscape
- St. Jerome in the Desert
- St. Peter Enthroned with Saints
- The Coronation of the Virgin
- The Deposition
- The Healing of Anianus